Thursday, 19 December 2013



MACHINE PROTECTION. The greatest danger to positive displacement pumps is overpressure. The rigid, unyielding nature of the pump characteristic means that overpressure is certain if the discharge is blocked. Many smaller (non API) pumps1, 2, 3, such as the gear pumps used to supply lube oil for larger equipment, have integral relief valves to release pressure from the discharge back to the suction. In the majority of cases, an external relief valve must be supplied by the user. It must be connected as closely to the pump discharge as possible and must not have any means of blocking either its inlet or its outlet. It should discharge back to the pump supply. If, for any reason, the discharge is blocked and the relief valve is not capable of relieving, the pressure will rise very rapidly until something busts. It may be connecting rods, the check valves or even the cylinder head. Don't count on the motor stalling because events unfold very rapidly and the inertia of the system is sufficient to cause major damage. The most likely point of failure is the bolting on the discharge flanges.
Direct acting pumps, such as those driven by compressed air, may not need a discharge relief if it can be shown the maximum pressure of the driving fluid is incapable of causing excess pressure.
It is often advisable to install a high discharge pressure shutdown switch or transmitter in addition to the relief valve.
Good engineering practice dictates that operating controls be provided to avoid shutdowns or relief valve operation for normal operating situations. If it is possible for the pump discharge to be blocked under normal operating conditions, a pressure control loop must be provided on the discharge. This consists of a pressure transmitter, a controller and a recycle valve. If there is already a flow control loop on the discharge, a pressure override controller must be added. A common arrangement is shown in Figure 2-8. A deviation alarm on the pressure controller provides the pre-alarm for the high pressure shutdown. Whenever the pressure is above the setpoint of the controller, the alarm is on. This has the advantage of having only one setpoint for the two functions. Since the valve is fail open and the lower of the two signals drives the valve to the safe state, a low selector is chosen to pass the correct signal to the valve. Once again it must be stressed that overpressure conditions can arise extremely quickly. All components of the system must be selected with speed in mind. DCS controls with a scan rate slower than ½ second may be too slow. In any case, the valve may be too slow. Despite your best efforts it may be impossible to limit the pressure rise. In such cases it may be necessary to eliminate the high-pressure shutdown and to accept occasional relief valve action.
The suction side of the pump may also require protection. A relief valve is required unless all suction piping is rated for the full discharge pressure. Liquids, especially water, are quite incompressible. Even the smallest reverse leakage through a check valve can raise the pressure of a blocked suction sufficiently to rupture the line. This can happen even after the pump has been shut down! The discharge dampener will contain liquid at full pressure unless it has been relieved. The line rupture may occur minutes or even days after the pump has been shut down and isolated, depending on the relative sizes of the discharge and suction dampeners and the leakage rate. (Been there, seen it.)
A low-pressure shutdown switch or transmitter is required on the suction side of larger pumps. The NPSHR of reciprocating pumps is further complicated by what is termed the "acceleration head". (See the previous article in this series, Controlling Centrifugal Pumps 1, page 7, for a more detailed discussion of NPSHR and NPSHA. Note that there is one difference between NPSH for centrifugal and PD pumps: For a PD pump NPSH is specified in pressure units instead of elevation. This is because the operation of PD pump is not dependent on liquid density. ) When the piston of a simplex pump begins its intake stroke, the liquid in the suction line is essentially stationary. The entire line contents must be accelerated rapidly to its maximum velocity, approximately three times the average velocity. There are two reasons for this three to one ratio: Firstly, the liquid isn't moving at all for half the cycle. Secondly, even when it is moving the velocity starts at zero and builds up to a maximum at mid stroke before reducing to zero again at the end of the stroke. The "suction" required to draw the liquid into the cylinder reduces the pressure sufficiently that air or vapour bubbles may develop. When these collapse during the discharge stroke, if not sooner, cavitation occurs. If the bubbles do not collapse, as in the case of air dissolved in water, serious hammering can occur in the cylinder. The air may accumulate to the point that the pump becomes vapour locked. Remember that air can compress into the internal clearances of the cylinder and then expand again on the intake stroke without ever being forced out of the discharge check valve. The low suction pressure shutdown device should be accompanied by some sort of pre-alarm. Acceleration head problems are greatly reduced for multi-cylinder pumps. Suction dampeners also contribute to making the flow rate more even.
Minor mechanical failure in PD pumps can cause significant vibration and subsequent serious damage to the entire machine. For this reason it is the rule to include a vibration switch on larger equipment. This switch need not be the extremely sensitive, multichannel system used on high-speed machinery. We are not monitoring the gradual deterioration of delicate bearings. What we are looking for is an abrupt event of considerable magnitude. Even the simplest switch will suffice. The usual type of switch is termed a "seismic" switch. It works by having a small weight held in place by a magnet against the force of a spring. A "bump" dislodges the weight from the magnet and allows it to open the shutdown contact. The usual means of "calibration" is a light whack with a hammer. A pre-alarm is not possible.
Larger PD pumps may have special lubricating requirements for the cylinders. The oil is supplied by small reciprocating injectors (miniature PD pumps) drawing from a small reservoir. The reservoir needs a low-level alarm which should also inhibit startup. A shutdown may not be necessary since damage from low oil level is not immediate. The reservoir is supplied from a larger lube oil tank through an integral float valve. The tank requires a low and a high level alarm. These can be provided by a single transmitter.
Variable speed pumps, especially those driven by engines, may require an overspeed trip. This should come from a separate sensor from the governor since it may be a governor failure that has caused the overspeed. A simple method is a small bolt mounted in a hole in the rim of the flywheel and held in place by a spring. Centrifugal force causes the bolt to project from the rim and trip a limit switch mounted on the frame.
SAFETY. There are no inherent dangers associated with PD pumps other than extremely high pressure or leakage of toxic or hazardous materials. Actually diaphragm pumps are especially suitable for toxic service since they have no rotating or sliding seals. The possibility of leakage or even rupture and a subsequent fire must be considered whenever flammable materials are being handled. 
It is possible that a diaphragm may rupture during service. If the liquid is particularly hazardous, a double diaphragm may be used. In that case a tap will be provided by the manufacturer to install a pressure sensor for alarm or shutdown.
A fire safe block valve is needed on the suction whenever flammable liquids are being drawn from a reservoir with significant capacity. Its interlocking must be handled slightly differently from that associated with a centrifugal pump. It is not advisable to slam shut the suction valve even if the pump is stopped simultaneously. Full vacuum may be induced during the rundown. If this causes air to be drawn into the piping an extremely hazardous situation is created. It is best to use a time delay circuit so that the suction valve is not closed until several seconds after the pump has been tripped.
It may also be desirable to have a fire safe block valve on the discharge. Since most PD pumps are in high-pressure service, there may be the potential of pressurized fluid forcing its way backward past the discharge check valve into a fire. Automatic closure should also be interlocked to occur at least several seconds after the pump has been turned off.
ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS. Any instrument used to control the process or to provide some safety or machine protection function should, if possible, have a simple local device to verify its operation. In the case of PD pumps that means pressure gauges at both the suction and the discharge. Pressurized pulsation dampeners require pressure gauges to ensure that they are properly charged. Large reciprocating pumps have oil filled crankcases. A gauge glass (by vendor) and a thermometer should be provided.
The cylinder lube reservoir requires a sight glass. This is supplied by the vendor on API pumps1, 2, 3 . The tank needs a level gauge glass whose span is broad enough to cover both alarm settings.
If the machine is equipped with cooling water jackets, there should be a thermometer on the outlet of every jacket. A single thermometer on the supply is a good idea. High outlet temperatures may not mean the pump is overheating!
The variety of PD pumps implies a variety of special requirements. Be sure to discuss these with the pump vendor to make certain that nothing "obvious" has been overlooked.
PARALLEL PUMP INSTALLATIONS. PD pumps are quite suitable for parallel operation. Since the discharge pressure of each pump rises as necessary, all pumps will discharge into the common header. A common recycle valve is sufficient for flow or pressure control.
Starting up a pump that is discharging into a header that is already pressurized by other pumps may overload its driver. To prevent this it is necessary to have an individual recycle valve on each pump. This may be a slow acting ball valve. Starting the pump then becomes a simple timed sequence in which the valve is first opened, then the pump is started, and finally the valve is closed again. The pump should also be shut down in the same sequence. Remember that the ball valve will be opening against the full discharge head and may need a large actuator. In water service it is extremely important that the appropriate water resistant grease is used.
If variable speed pumps are used, the majority should be placed on fixed speed. One pump is then selected for process control to take the swings in demand.
SERIES PUMP INSTALLATIONS. PD pumps are not generally installed in series. Since series pumps must both discharge an identical flow and both are discharging a "constant" flow, it is extremely unlikely that the two can be matched without complex controls. It is common, however, to have one or more parallel centrifugal pumps servings as boosters to one or more parallel PD pumps. The centrifugal pumps serve to provide the NPSH that the PD pumps require. The PD pumps in turn can provide a very high discharge pressure.
The centrifugal boosters should have sufficient flow capacity to supply the pulsating requirements to the PD pumps. This means the full peak flow, not the average. If they need controls they should be on pressure control by way of a recycle valve since there should be no interference in the suction to the PD pumps.
A warning: It may happen that the PD pump has a very low discharge pressure for some reason -- perhaps the piping has been removed for maintenance. It is then possible for the booster pump to push liquid through the various check valves and out the discharge without the PD pump being turned on at all. In fact, the flow may be even greater than if the PD pump were running!
SUMMARY. Figure 2-9 shows a typical arrangement for a positive displacement pump application. The following features are illustrated:

- Centrifugal booster pump with recycle pressure control and a minimum flow restriction orifice.
- Low suction pressure shutdown with alarm.
- Pressure gauge on the suction.
- High vibration shutdown and alarm on the crankcase.
- Thermometer and a sight glass in the crankcase.
- Discharge pressure controller with an alarm. The controller works through a recycle valve.
- Discharge pressure relief valve.
- High discharge pressure shutdown with an alarm.
- Discharge pressure gauge.

A thermal relief valve must be around any isolation valve on the PD pump suction so that internal leakage does not over-pressure the piping.
1. API STD-674, Positive Displacement Pumps -- Reciprocating.

2. API STD-675, Positive Displacement Pumps -- Controlled Volume.

3. API STD-676, Positive Displacement Pumps -- Rotary.

4. Driedger, W. C., "Controlling Centrifugal Pumps"; Hydrocarbon Processing, July 1995.

5. API RP 750, Management of Process Hazards.


INTRODUCTION. The positive displacement pump is in some ways an even simpler device to control than the centrifugal pump discussed previously. It has the same function, namely to provide the pressure necessary to move a liquid at the desired rate from point A to point B of the process. Figure 2-1 shows a 'generic' process with a positive displacement pump (in this case a gear pump) connected to deliver liquid from A to B.
There is a great variety of positive displacement pumps. They are divided into two broad categories: Rotary and reciprocating. From the controls point of view, however, they are all similar. Their characteristic curve is so simple that it is rarely drawn. It is essentially a straight vertical line, as shown in Figure 2-2. (For some reason PD pump curves are usually shown with the pressure and flow axis exchanged. I will not follow that convention in this article.) All are constant flow machines whose pressure rises to whatever value is necessary to put out the flow appropriate to the pump speed. If the discharge is blocked, the pressure will rise until something yields -- preferably a relief valve. Close examination of the curve shows a slight counter clockwise rotation. This is due to internal leakage.
For positive displacement pumps the major cause of leakage is the small amount of reverse flow that occurs before a check valve closes and possibly past the check valve after it is closed. Leakage past the piston is negligible. Diaphragm operated PD pumps have no cylinder to leak past. Rotating PD pumps, such as gear pumps or progressing cavity pumps have internal clearances which permit a small reverse flow, called "slip" or "blowby". There is another reason why the curve may rotate to slightly lower flows at higher discharge pressures: The driver may slow down as the load increases. None of these have a significant affect in curving the slope of the characteristic enough that this slope can be used for control. For most practical purposes the slope is vertical. The system curve of the process is also shown on Figure 2-2. Its intersection with the pump characteristic defines the operating point.
As always, the process controls engineer has the responsibility of matching the capacity of a specific piece of equipment to the demands of the process at every instant in time. Rarely does the actual system curve fall exactly on the one used for design and selection. As with any two port device, there are three locations in which a control valve can be placed: On the discharge, on the suction, and as a recycle valve.
DISCHARGE THROTTLING. Discharge throttling does not work! Looking at the process from the point of view of the pump, discharge throttling rotates the system curve counter clockwise so that the modified system curve intersects the pump curve higher up. The additional pressure is dropped through the valve so that the pressure and flow to the process is (almost) exactly the same as before. The "almost" is due the small increase in internal leakage that results in an equally small reduction in flow. An increased wear rate and a shortening of the life of the machine are the only results of this approach. If the pump is seen from the point of view of the process so that the valve is considered part of the pump, the same result is obtained. To obtain a modified pump characteristic curve, the pump curve must be rotated clockwise around the intersection with the pressure axis. The problem is that this hypothetical intersection is far off the top of the operating range. It is the point where the pressure is so high that 100% internal leakage occurs. The machine would self-destruct from excess pressure if one were stubborn enough to attempt to find this point. The rotation of the curve can still be performed on paper and it amounts to a slight shift to the left. Shown in Figure 2-3, it is virtually identical to the unmodified curve. To cut a long story short, you can't control a PD pump with discharge throttling.
SUCTION THROTTLING. Suction throttling has the same effect on the characteristic curve as discharge throttling and doesn't work either. PD pumps have a Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR) just as centrifugal pumps do. In fact their requirements are even more stringent. Therefore restrictions and pressure drops in the suction lines must be similarly avoided.
RECYCLE CONTROL. This leaves recycle control as the only means of using a valve to control a PD pump. The valve is installed in a line teeing off from the discharge and leading back to the source of the liquid, possibly a surge tank. It must be fail open , of course. Figure 2-5 shows its effects on the characteristic curves. Viewing the process from the point of view of the pump, its effect is to rotate the system curve clockwise around its intersection with the pressure axis. Note that the little "tail" at the bottom left of the modified system curve is due to the flow through the recycle valve before the discharge check valve has opened. The flow through the pump is essentially as before but the pressure to the process has been reduced. Process flow will, of course, also be reduced by the amount flowing through the recycle line.
Viewing the pump from the process gives a different perspective on the same phenomenon. This time it is the pump curve that is rotated counter clockwise around its intersection with the flow axis. This modified pump curve gives the effect of greatly increased internal leakage. From the point of view of the process, this is exactly what is happening. Note that I have not used the same operating points in Figure 2-3 as I did in Figure 2-5. It is simply impossible to show any significant reduction in flow on a curve representing the effects of discharge throttling.
Recycle control is an efficient method of control for PD pumps. Since the flow rate is essentially constant, the power requirement is roughly proportional to discharge pressure. Since the effect of recycle is to drop the discharge pressure, it results in significant reductions in power requirement. Nevertheless there is still wasted power in proportion to discharge pressure times recycle flow.
Recycle valves experience rather severe service if the pressure drop is high. Cavitation will destroy them if they are not appropriately selected. Two approaches exist to deal with this problem: The first solution is to drop the pressure in many small stages through the use of many twists and turns in the valve trim. The second is to tolerate the resulting cavitation by shooting the liquid as a jet through a small hole in the middle of a disk. The jet then blasts directly into the discharge piping. The line diameter is often increased immediately downstream of the valve and the wall thickness is also increased. In this way the jet cavitates down the middle of the pipe. It makes a terrific racket.
In either case it may be necessary to put a fixed restriction downstream of the valve. It should be sized so that the ratio of the high to intermediate pressure is the same as the ratio of intermediate to low pressure. Keep in mind that the restriction will reduce the rangeability of the valve by making it act like a quick opening valve. This is because the restriction becomes the dominant factor in the line once the valve is about half way open. From that point on, the valve has little control.
Recycle lines for PD pumps should be run back to the suction vessel. This allows any entrained bubbles to escape. If they do not, they can build up to the point where pump capacity is impaired. It may even vapour lock.
SPEED CONTROL. Speed control is an obvious method of controlling the flow rate of PD pumps since flow is essentially proportional to speed. Pressure can also be controlled by sliding up and down the system curve. Any point on the system curve can, in theory, be reached. Most drivers, however, have low speed limits which limit the turndown of the system.

Variable speed electric motors are somewhat modified versions of normal motors. They require special provision for cooling and lubrication at low speed. In addition, they require specialized electronic power supplies called "invertors". These units provide power of the appropriate frequency and voltage. They are, unfortunately, still quite expensive and do not have the reliability of control valves. There is another reason why large variable speed electric drives are seldom used with reciprocating pumps. The large inertia of the system means that speed changes cannot be made quickly. If it is possible for a valve in the process side to close suddenly, a variable speed electric cannot reduce speed fast enough to prevent a severe pressure rise. A recycle valve will be required to protect the pump, as detailed below in the section on machine protection. A more simple type of electronic control is frequently used for small chemical injection pumps.
OTHER MEANS OF CONTROL. The great variety of types of PD pumps results in a variety of specialized means of flow control. A pneumatic actuator may be used to vary the geometry of the crank arrangement of a reciprocating pump so that each cycle displaces a greater or lesser amount of cylinder volume. Direct acting diaphragm pumps driven by compressed air or some other gas can be controlled by regulating the gas supply. There is also a technique known as "lost motion" whereby the crank arrangement first compresses a spring or volume pocket before it begins to work on the piston or diaphragm. These specialized methods are usually integral parts of the equipment and the controls engineer simply connects a pneumatic or milliamp signal to the appropriate input port. None of these methods changes the essentially constant flow nature of the pump curve. (The flow is still "constant" but at a different value.)
The efficiency of hydraulic or eddy current couplings is about the same as that of recycle control. This is because the torque on both sides of the coupling is proportional to D P. The power lost in the coupling will be proportional to torque times the reduction in speed. In other words, all unused power is being dumped. If the pressure does drop with a reduction in net discharge flow, then there will be a power savings. A valve is a cheaper way of accomplishing the same thing.
"Stroke Counting" is a method used when fixed amounts of liquid must be injected at specific intervals such as in batch processes. An electronic device is used to count the number of revolutions of a PD pump. After a sufficient number has been counted, the pump is shut off. When this method is used for pH control, the correct number of strokes can be calculated from a titration curve.
MEASUREMENT. The most common application for PD pumps is in high-pressure service. The flow rates vary from extremely small to moderately large. Pressure control is very common. Since the control valve tees off the discharge header, it is not significant where the sensing transmitter is placed. Keep in mind that the discharge will be pulsating. The pulsations may be relatively small for a rotary pump or they may be extremely large for a simplex (single cylinder) reciprocating pump. The degree of pulsation also depends on the effectiveness of the hydraulic pulsation dampeners that are often supplied with the pumps. If pressure or flow control is critical, the control systems engineer should encourage the biggest economical discharge dampeners. Small pulsation dampeners, called snubbers, should be installed on all instrumentation such as pressure gauges, switches and transmitters. This will extend their life as well as improve the signal. Many transmitters have built-in adjustable electronic damping. These should be adjusted so that the time constant is approximately twice the period of the expected pulses at the lowest speed. The phenomenon known as "aliasing" makes digital control systems such as a distributed control system (DCS) especially sensitive to pulsations. Aliasing can be best explained with the help of a diagram as shown in Figure 2-7. The rippling curve shows the actual flow rate of the discharge as it varies with time. The Xs show the points at which the DCS samples the measurement. The DCS gets the totally misleading impression that the system flow is slowly rising even if the average is quite constant. The usual reading the DCS gets is one of totally random fluctuations. Analog damping, either hydraulic or electronic, is absolutely essential for digital control. It prevents aliasing by filtering out high frequency components before they are sampled.
Flow control measurements have similar problems to pressure measurements. An additional problem arises in the case of an orifice plate or similar head type measuring system. Since the D P varies with the square of flow rate and it is the D P that is averaged, the resulting signal is not the average of the flow rate. Rather it is the square root of the average of the square of the flow rate. (Electrical engineers recognize this as the RMS -- root mean square.) As long as the shape of the pressure signal, over time, does not change, flow will be proportional to, but not equal to, root D P. The more cylinders in the pump, the smoother the waveform will be and the closer the measured to the actual reading. Discharge pulsation dampeners also help considerably. The measured flow on "ideal" (undamped, pure sinusoidal flow waveform) simplex and duplex pumps is 11% higher than the actual flow. An "ideal" triplex pump yields a measurement that is 1% high.
Flow measurements on the discharge of high pressure pumps should be avoided. This may not be possible if the pump has a recycle loop that returns, as it should, to the suction vessel. In that case remember that the flow sensor will experience not only high pressure but also a high level of pulsation. Turbine meters are easily damaged. I am told that coriolis-type mass flow meters do well in this service.
Certain classes of reciprocating pumps, known as metering pumps, have a very precise volume of liquid delivered with each stroke. The RPM of the pump can be used as an accurate flow measurement. However, individual calibration is required if this accuracy is to be realized. Note that even small amounts of entrained air or other bubbles can cause serious errors. Metering pumps are commonly applied for chemical injection. There is a simple way to calibrate them if extreme accuracy under varying conditions isn't an issue. A large glass cylinder is teed into the suction piping. If a valve between the cylinder and the supply is closed, the time it takes the pump to draw down the level by a fixed volume can be used to calculate a flow rate. The cylinder also serves as a level gauge to a supply tank. In some applications the fact that the pump is capable of developing high pressure isn't even an issue. It may be metering directly into an open tank or a low pressure line. In such cases the pump may need a back pressure valve on the discharge to ensure that the check valves seat properly. This item is usually supplied by the vendor as part of the pump package.
PD pumps are not generally used for level control in the process industries. The great variety of types of PD pumps invariably provides exceptions to every generalization. The direct acting, pneumatically powered diaphragm pump is one of these exceptions. It is ideal for sumps containing sludges. The pump can be controlled by an entirely pneumatic control system thus eliminating all electrical connections. This has the added advantage of being absolutely safe in hazardous locations.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

First, let me say. I am not making very much money with my blog right now. Its still a baby, but it IS growing! These are the programs I have signed up with and hope some will eventually make me a little extra cash.

I’m breaking this down into three basic ways to make money blogging: Ads, Affiliate Networks, and Paid Post Networks. Of course, you can always make money by having sponsors that advertise on your blog, but I thought I would keep this post more about networks you can sign up with to make money.

Google AdSense 
This is probably the most popular ad network out there. It is a paid per click network. When I first started my blog, I really didn’t think all that much about ads, so they were just randomly placed on my blog. I have moved them to the top of my blog and it has really increased my clicks. They won’t payout until you have $100 in earnings.
This network provides ads for you to pin. When someone clicks through on the ad, you get paid. This is a VERY new company. I’m still waiting to see if this is going to be a flop. I have signed up and I have pinned some of the ads. There aren’t very many at the moment, like I said it is very new, but hey, why not give it a shot just in case it becomes huge?  
This is another very popular ad network. You’ve probably seen these ads on the top of sidebars and the BlogHer TV roll above blog headers. Your blog has to meet certain requirements before you can run their ads and the ads must be placed above the fold. No other ads can be above the fold as well. I have signed up to be social influencer with them, but not an ad publisher yet.
You’ve probably noticed a widget at the bottom of some blog posts that contains similar posts you may like. Do you have one of these? If you don’t you should get one ASAP, it keeps visitors on your blog longer! You can also set this widget to display ads. You get paid per click. It doesn’t pay a whole lot, but, hey, every little bit helps, right? 

Affiliate Networks

This network connects you with online merchants. Once you have signed up with ShareASale, you can apply to become an affiliate with merchants of your choice. There are MANY options, and good ones! You can then place the merchants banners on your blog and insert links into blog posts. When someone clicks on an ad or link, your referral code will be embedded and earn you money if they make a purchase.
Flex Offers
This is very similar to ShareASale. Once you sign up, you choose which merchants you want to be an affiliate for. There is a very large selection. You can choose banners and text links to put on your blog. 

Escalate Network
Escalate primarily offers deals, freebies, and coupons for you to pass along to your readers. When a conversion is made through your blog, you make money. They offer pre-made banners and links for your blog like the others.

Amazon Affiliates

Amazon has pretty much any product ever made, so its pretty easy to find some to promote. You can create a widget that displays products of your choice (I have one in my sidebar), get banners, and create links embedded with your referral code to put in blog posts. 
Paid Posts Networks
Clever Girls Collective
They connect brands with bloggers to do paid blog posts. I’ve seen brands such as P&G, Allstate, Hanes, etc. 

Sits Girls
They basically do the same thing as Clever Girls. I have not noticed as many opportunities with them as I have with Clever Girls, but its worth it to sign up! I have heard that when opportunities do come around, they are pretty good! 

Social Spark
After signing up with Social Spark, you will receive leads to paid post opportunities. You can decide if you want to pursue the lead and negotiate price. The price the lead starts out is based on your numbers in Google Analytics. You have to have this set up on your blog before Social Spark will accept you. There are many types of different brands. .

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Four Parameters To Measure While Writing Your Blog Post

No matter what your Blogging Goal and objective is. You need to be sure of what you are doing. 
You need to focus on your goal, how you will achieve it and after your finish your task you need to 

So you could be Blogging for awareness, or giving an opinion or you could be creating a Product
 preference - you need to have the below Parameters to Measure in mind:

Share Of Voice: This is how many times you have been mentioned. This is not measured in 
isolation. It is viewed with Competition. So, how many times your Brand is mentioned as 
against your Competitors. Here while you look at quantity be certain to check on quality as
 well. Mention can be in positive and negative term. So you need to read and understand.

Reach: This is 'seeing'. How many people see your Post. 

Interaction: This is engagement. This is 'how' people engage with your Brand. This would 
be re-Tweeting, Share and so on. Comments and direct interaction is also counted here.

Tracking: This is the time when you measure the above three in context with the call 
to action.

Dependent on your Objective and Goal you need to decide which of the above 4 are 
more important; though you will consider all 4.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Design of Sulfur recovery - Part 2

Atomic no                 :      16
Atomic mass             :      32.06 g /mol
Electronegativity      :      2.5
Density                     :      2.07g /cm 3 @ 20◦C
Boiling point            :      113◦C
Solubility                   :       It is insoluble in water , sparingly soluble              in alcohol and ether, readily soluble in carbon disulphide, chloroform, xylene, acetone , etc

CONDUCTIVITY : Sulphur is anon conductor of heat and electricity. however, a lump of Sulphur when rubbed by dry hand , or with a wool, becomes electrically charged .
  EFFECT OF HEAT : when heated, Sulphur undergoes a series of changes like evaporation .
1.     Sulphur exhibits oxidation numbers of -2,0,+2,+4 and +6
2.     Chemical properties of Sulphur- with Air or oxygen : When heated in air or oxygen, Sulphur first melts and then burns with a blue flame to form Sulphur dioxide and some traces of Sulphur trioxide.
3.     Sulphur also combines with most other elements. Sometimes it combines with them easily at room temperature. In other cases, if must be heated.
4.      The reaction between magnesium and Sulphur is typical. When the two elements are heated, they combine to form magnesium Sulphur (MgS).
Sulphur also combines with hydrogen gas. The compound formed in this reaction is hydrogen sulfide (H2S).  Hydrogen sulphide has one of the best known odour of all compounds.  It smell like rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide is added to natural gas (methane) used in homes for cooking and heating. Methane is odorless. So the unique smell of hydrogen sulfide makes it easy to know when there is methane leak.
Majority of Sulphur produced is used for production of Sulphuric acid which in turn is used for digesting phosphate rock to produce fertilizers.
Sulphur recovery reduces air pollution. It allows people to breath better, reduces acid rain.
Sulphur has relatively few uses as an element. One of the most important of those uses is in vulcanization. Vulcanization is the process of adding Sulphur to rubber to make it stiff and hard. It keeps the rubber from melting as it gets warmer.
Some powdered Sulphur is also used as an insecticide. It can be spread on plants to kill or drive away insects that feed on the plants.
Sulphur is an important fuel in pyrotechnic mixtures, because it is cheap and stable. It occurs in match heads, the most common  pyrotechnical device, and was an ingredient of black powder is a special mixture of 75% potassium nitrate,  15% charcoal, and 10% sulphur,  more or less. Other applications are making corrosion-resistant concrete which has great strength and is forst resistant, for solvents and in a host of other products of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
1.     It is highly toxic, colorless gas with of rotten eggs smell.
2.     It forms explosive mixture with air.
3.     Prolonged exposure to low concentration will dull the sense of smell.
4.     It dissolves in water and is very corrosive on carbon steel.
5.     It severely attacks carbon steel above 350C.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Design of sulphur recovery - Part 1( project done in CPCL)

             This project is about sulphur recovery process being carried out from the acid gas which is the exhaust of refinery process. Sulphur removal and therefore its recovery is need of the hour from Pollution and Environmental point of view. Earlier sulphur gas produced as a result of several Industrial Operation was directly flared into atmosphere which led to serious environmental problems causing damage even to human life.
            In this  project  the two technologies of sulphur recovery namely CLAUS PROCESS  and MAXIMUM  CLAUS  REOVERY CONCEPT (MCRC) are being combined  for the flow rate of 3740kg/hr.
            Earlier CLAUS process was used with a efficiency level of  94% but  now Maximum Claus  recovery concept  is utilised in which the efficiency level is increased to 99.5% of Sulphur  being recovered.

            Process flow sheet is being attached as Annexure. On this flow sheet  Mass and Energy balance are calculated, and  equipment are designed as per requirement. Process control, Environment issues and safety measures are described in the report. Cash flow analysis is also computed.

Need for the project :
1.     Sulphur present in the refinery off gas principally as H2S .
2.     Sulphur found in most of petroleum crudes in variable amounts generally compounds are present in more quantities in higher molecular weight stockes .
3.     Sulphur occupies prominent position in refining due to its problems of corrosion and odour .
4.     Pollution problems and cost of waste treatment is punitive for all refineries with high Sulphur stocks .

1.     Sulphur recovery is a combination of classical Claus process & Maximum Claus recovery concept (MCRC) .
2.     Claus process as used today is a modification of a process first used in 1883.
3.     In the old process  H2S was reacted over a catalyst with air to form elemental Sulphur & water.

1.      Mercaptans
2.      Sulphones
3.      Sulfides
4.      Disulfides
5.      Sulphoxides
6.      Thiophenes
7.      Sulphates
8.      Sulphonates

Atomic no                 :      16
Atomic mass             :      32.06 g /mol
Electronegativity      :      2.5
Density                     :      2.07g /cm 3 @ 20◦C
Boiling point            :      113◦C
Solubility                   :       It is insoluble in water , sparingly soluble              in alcohol and ether, readily soluble in carbon disulphide, chloroform, xylene, acetone , etc

CONDUCTIVITY : Sulphur is anon conductor of heat and electricity. however, a lump of Sulphur when rubbed by dry hand , or with a wool, becomes electrically charged .
  EFFECT OF HEAT : when heated, Sulphur undergoes a series of changes like evaporation .
1.     Sulphur exhibits oxidation numbers of -2,0,+2,+4 and +6
2.     Chemical properties of Sulphur- with Air or oxygen : When heated in air or oxygen, Sulphur first melts and then burns with a blue flame to form Sulphur dioxide and some traces of Sulphur trioxide.
3.     Sulphur also combines with most other elements. Sometimes it combines with them easily at room temperature. In other cases, if must be heated.
4.      The reaction between magnesium and Sulphur is typical. When the two elements are heated, they combine to form magnesium Sulphur (MgS).
Sulphur also combines with hydrogen gas. The compound formed in this reaction is hydrogen sulfide (H2S).  Hydrogen sulphide has one of the best known odour of all compounds.  It smell like rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide is added to natural gas (methane) used in homes for cooking and heating. Methane is odorless. So the unique smell of hydrogen sulfide makes it easy to know when there is methane leak.

  second part will continue on 14/12/2013....................

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

                   An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas.Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units. In many ways, oil refineries use much of the technology of, and can be thought of, as types of chemical plants. The crude oil feed stock has typically been processed by an oil production plant. There is usually an oil depot (tank farm) at or near an oil refinery for storage of bulk liquid products.
An oil refinery is considered an essential part of the downstream side of the petroleum industry.

Raw or unprocessed crude oil is not generally useful in industrial applications, although "light, sweet" (low viscosity, low sulfur) crude oil has been used directly as a burner fuel for steam vessel propulsion. The lighter elements, however, form explosive vapors in the fuel tanks and are therefore hazardous, especially in warships. Instead, the hundreds of different hydrocarbon molecules in crude oil are separated in a refinery into components which can be used as fuels, lubricants, and as feedstock in petrochemical processes that manufacture such products as plastics, detergents, solvents, elastomers and fibers such as nylon and polyesters.

Petroleum fossil fuels are burned in internal combustion engines to provide power for ships, automobiles, aircraft engines, lawn mowers, chainsaws, and other machines. Different boiling points allow the hydrocarbons to be separated by distillation. Since the lighter liquid products are in great demand for use in internal combustion engines, a modern refinery will convert heavy hydrocarbons and lighter gaseous elements into these higher value products.

Once separated and purified of any contaminants and impurities, the fuel or lubricant can be sold without further processing. Smaller molecules such as isobutane and propylene orbutylenes can be recombined to meet specific octane requirements by processes such asalkylation, or less commonly, dimerization. Octane grade of gasoline can also be improved by catalytic reforming, which involves removing hydrogen from hydrocarbons producing compounds with higher octane ratings such as aromatics. Intermediate products such as gasoils can even be reprocessed to break a heavy, long-chained oil into a lighter short-chained one, by various forms of cracking such as fluid catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, and hydrocracking. The final step in gasoline production is the blending of fuels with different octane ratings, vapor pressures, and other properties to meet product specifications.

Oil refineries are large scale plants, processing about a hundred thousand to several hundred thousand barrels of crude oil a day. Because of the high capacity, many of the units operate continuously, as opposed to processing in batches, at steady state or nearly steady state for months to years. The high capacity also makes process optimization andadvanced process control very desirable.

                       Broadly speaking, refining developed in consuming areas, because it was cheaper to move crude oil than to move product. Furthermore, the proximity to consuming markets made it easier to respond to weather-induced spikes in demand or to gauge seasonal shifts. Thus, while the Mideast is the largest producing region, the bulk of refining takes place in the United States, Europe or Asia.

There have historically been a few exceptions—concentrations of refining capacity that were not proximate to consuming markets. A refining center in the Caribbean, for instance, supplied heavy fuel oil to the U.S. East Coast where it was used for power,heat, and electric generation. As the demand for this heavy fuel oil, or residual fuel oil, waned, so did those dedicated refineries. While the Caribbean refineries, as well as refineries in the Middle East and in Singapore, were built for product export, they are the exception. As such, most refineries meet their "local" demand first, with exports providing a temporary flow for balancing supply and demand.
capacity worldwide, as shown in the graph in Figure 5, and as discussed more fully below. Asia and Europe follow as refining centers. As also shown in the graph, North America (again, the United States) has by far the largest concentration of downstream capacity—the processing units necessary to maximize output of gasoline. The gasoline emphasis of course mirrors the demand barrel and hence refinery output in the different regions, since no other global region uses as much of its oil in the form of
The largest concentration of refining capacity is in North America (in fact, the United States), accounting for about one-quarter of the crude oil distillation gasoline as North America does.
In addition to gravity and sulfur content, the type of hydrocarbon molecules and other natural characteristics may affect the cost of processing or restrict a crude oil's suitability for specific uses. The presence of heavy metals, contaminants for the processing and for the finished product, is one example. The molecular structure of a crude oil also dictates whether a crude stream can be used for the manufacture of specialty products, such as lubricating oils or of petrochemical feedstocks.
Refiners therefore strive to run the optimal mix (or "slate") of crudes through their refineries, depending on the refinery's equipment, the desired output mix, and the relative price of available crudes. In recent years, refiners have confronted two opposite forces—consumers' and government mandates that increasingly required light products of higher quality (the most difficult to produce) and crude oil supply that was increasingly heavier, with higher sulfur content (the most difficult to refine).

Every refinery begins with the separation of crude oil into different fractions by distillation.
The fractions are further treated to convert them into mixtures of more useful saleable products by various methods such as cracking, reforming, alkylation, polymerisation and isomerisation. These mixtures of new compounds are then separated using methods such as fractionation and solvent extraction. Impurities are removed by various methods, e.g. dehydration, desalting, sulphur removal and hydrotreating.
Refinery processes have developed in response to changing market demands for certain products. With the advent of the internal combustion engine the main task of refineries became the production of petrol. The quantities of petrol available from distillation alone was insufficient to satisfy consumer demand. Refineries began to look for ways to produce more and better quality petrol. Two types of processes have been developed:
  • breaking down large, heavy hydrocarbon molecules
  • reshaping or rebuilding hydrocarbon molecules
  • Distillation (Fractionation)
                      Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons with different boiling temperatures, it can be separated by distillation into groups of hydrocarbons that boil between two specified boiling points. Two types of distillation are performed: atmospheric and vacuum.
Atmospheric distillation takes place in a distilling column at or near atmospheric pressure. The crude oil is heated to 350 - 400oC and the vapour and liquid are piped into the distilling column. The liquid falls to the bottom and the vapour rises, passing through a series of perforated trays (sieve trays). Heavier hydrocarbons condense more quickly and settle on lower trays and lighter hydrocarbons remain as a vapour longer and condense on higher trays.
Liquid fractions are drawn from the trays and removed. In this way the light gases, methane, ethane, propane and butane pass out the top of the column, petrol is formed in the top trays, kerosene and gas oils in the middle, and fuel oils at the bottom. Residue drawn of the bottom may be burned as fuel, processed into lubricating oils, waxes and bitumen or used as feedstock for cracking units.
To recover additional heavy distillates from this residue, it may be piped to a second distillation column where the process is repeated under vacuum, called vacuum distillation.This allows heavy hydrocarbons with boiling points of 450oC and higher to be separated without them partly cracking into unwanted products such as coke and gas.
The heavy distillates recovered by vacuum distillation can be converted into lubricating oils by a variety of processes. The most common of these is called solvent extraction. In one version of this process the heavy distillate is washed with a liquid which does not dissolve in it but which dissolves (and so extracts) the non-lubricating oil components out of it. Another version uses a liquid which does not dissolve in it but which causes the non-lubricating oil components to precipitate (as an extract) from it. Other processes exist which remove impurities by adsorption onto a highly porous solid or which remove any waxes that may be present by causing them to crystallise and precipitate out.
Reforming is a process which uses heat, pressure and a catalyst (usually containing platinum) to bring about chemical reactions which upgrade naphthas into high octane petrol and petrochemical feedstock. The naphthas are hydrocarbon mixtures containing many paraffins and naphthenes. In Australia, this naphtha feedstock comes from the crudes oil distillation or catalytic cracking processes, but overseas it also comes from thermal cracking and hydrocracking processes. Reforming converts a portion of these compounds to isoparaffins and aromatics, which are used to blend higher octane petrol.
  • paraffins are converted to isoparaffins
  • paraffins are converted to naphthenes
  • naphthenes are converted to aromatics

Cracking processes break down heavier hydrocarbon molecules (high boiling point oils) into lighter products such as petrol and diesel. These processes include catalytic cracking, thermal cracking and hydrocracking.
A typical reaction:
Catalytic cracking is used to convert heavy hydrocarbon fractions obtained by vacuum distillation into a mixture of more useful products such as petrol and light fuel oil. In this process, the feedstock undergoes a chemical breakdown, under controlled heat (450 - 500oC) and pressure, in the presence of a catalyst - a substance which promotes the reaction without itself being chemically changed. Small pellets of silica - alumina or silica - magnesia have proved to be the most effective catalysts.
The cracking reaction yields petrol, LPG, unsaturated olefin compounds, cracked gas oils, a liquid residue called cycle oil, light gases and a solid coke residue. Cycle oil is recycled to cause further breakdown and the coke, which forms a layer on the catalyst, is removed by burning. The other products are passed through a fractionator to be separated and separately processed.
Fluid catalytic cracking uses a catalyst in the form of a very fine powder which flows like a liquid when agitated by steam, air or vapour. Feedstock entering the process immediately meets a stream of very hot catalyst and vaporises. The resulting vapours keep the catalyst fluidised as it passes into the reactor, where the cracking takes place and where it is fluidised by the hydrocarbon vapour. The catalyst next passes to a steam stripping section where most of the volatile hydrocarbons are removed. It then passes to a regenerator vessel where it is fluidised by a mixture of air and the products of combustion which are produced as the coke on the catalyst is burnt off. The catalyst then flows back to the reactor. The catalyst thus undergoes a continuous circulation between the reactor, stripper and regenerator sections.
The catalyst is usually a mixture of aluminium oxide and silica. Most recently, the introduction of synthetic zeolite catalysts has allowed much shorter reaction times and improved yields and octane numbers of the cracked gasolines.
Thermal cracking uses heat to break down the residue from vacuum distillation. The lighter elements produced from this process can be made into distillate fuels and petrol. Cracked gases are converted to petrol blending components by alkylation or polymerisation. Naphtha is upgraded to high quality petrol by reforming. Gas oil can be used as diesel fuel or can be converted to petrol by hydrocracking. The heavy residue is converted into residual oil or coke which is used in the manufacture of electrodes, graphite and carbides.
This process is the oldest technology and is not used in Australia.
Hydrocracking can increase the yield of petrol components, as well as being used to produce light distillates. It produces no residues, only light oils. Hydrocracking is catalytic cracking in the presence of hydrogen. The extra hydrogen saturates, or hydrogenates, the chemical bonds of the cracked hydrocarbons and creates isomers with the desired characteristics. Hydrocracking is also a treating process, because the hydrogen combines with contaminants such as sulphur and nitrogen, allowing them to be removed.
Gas oil feed is mixed with hydrogen, heated, and sent to a reactor vessel with a fixed bed catalyst, where cracking and hydrogenation take place. Products are sent to a fractionator to be separated. The hydrogen is recycled. Residue from this reaction is mixed again with hydrogen, reheated, and sent to a second reactor for further cracking under higher temperatures and pressures.
In addition to cracked naphtha for making petrol, hydrocracking yields light gases useful for refinery fuel, or alkylation as well as components for high quality fuel oils, lube oils and petrochemical feedstocks.
Following the cracking processes it is necessary to build or rearrange some of the lighter hydrocarbon molecules into high quality petrol or jet fuel blending components or into petrochemicals. The former can be achieved by several chemical process such as alkylation and isomerisation.
Olefins such as propylene and butylene are produced by catalytic and thermal cracking. Alkylation refers to the chemical bonding of these light molecules with isobutane to form larger branched-chain molecules (isoparaffins) that make high octane petrol.
Olefins and isobutane are mixed with an acid catalyst and cooled. They react to form alkylate, plus some normal butane, isobutane and propane. The resulting liquid is neutralised and separated in a series of distillation columns. Isobutane is recycled as feed and butane and propane sold as liquid petroleum gas (LPG).
Isomerisation refers to chemical rearrangement of straight-chain hydrocarbons (paraffins), so that they contain branches attached to the main chain (isoparaffins). This is done for two reasons:
  • they create extra isobutane feed for alkylation
  • they improve the octane of straight run pentanes and hexanes and hence make them into better petrol blending components.
Isomerisation is achieved by mixing normal butane with a little hydrogen and chloride and allowed to react in the presence of a catalyst to form isobutane, plus a small amount of normal butane and some lighter gases. Products are separated in a fractionator. The lighter gases are used as refinery fuel and the butane recycled as feed.
Pentanes and hexanes are the lighter components of petrol. Isomerisation can be used to improve petrol quality by converting these hydrocarbons to higher octane isomers. The process is the same as for butane isomerisation.
Under pressure and temperature, over an acidic catalyst, light unsaturated hydrocarbon molecules react and combine with each other to form larger hydrocarbon molecules. Such process can be used to react butenes (olefin molecules with four carbon atoms) with iso-butane (branched paraffin molecules, or isoparaffins, with four carbon atoms) to obtain a high octane olefinic petrol blending component called polymer gasoline.
Hydrotreating and sulphur plants
A number of contaminants are found in crude oil. As the fractions travel through the refinery processing units, these impurities can damage the equipment, the catalysts and the quality of the products. There are also legal limits on the contents of some impurities, like sulphur, in products.
Hydrotreating is one way of removing many of the contaminants from many of the intermediate or final products. In the hydrotreating process, the entering feedstock is mixed with hydrogen and heated to 300 - 380oC. The oil combined with the hydrogen then enters a reactor loaded with a catalyst which promotes several reactions:
  • hydrogen combines with sulphur to form hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
  • nitrogen compounds are converted to ammonia
  • any metals contained in the oil are deposited on the catalyst
  • some of the olefins, aromatics or naphthenes become saturated with hydrogen to become paraffins and some cracking takes place, causing the creation of some methane, ethane, propane and butanes.
Sulphur recovery plants
The hydrogen sulphide created from hydrotreating is a toxic gas that needs further treatment. The usual process involves two steps:
  • the removal of the hydrogen sulphide gas from the hydrocarbon stream
  • the conversion of hydrogen sulphide to elemental sulphur, a non-toxic and useful chemical.
Solvent extraction, using a solution of diethanolamine (DEA) dissolved in water, is applied to separate the hydrogen sulphide gas from the process stream. The hydrocarbon gas stream containing the hydrogen sulphide is bubbled through a solution of diethanolamine solution (DEA) under high pressure, such that the hydrogen sulphide gas dissolves in the DEA. The DEA and hydrogen mixture is the heated at a low pressure and the dissolved hydrogen sulphide is released as a concentrated gas stream which is sent to another plant for conversion into sulphur.
Conversion of the concentrated hydrogen sulphide gas into sulphur occurs in two stages.
  1. Combustion of part of the H2S stream in a furnace, producing sulphur dioxide (SO2) water (H2O) and sulphur (S).
  1. Reaction of the remainder of the H2S with the combustion products in the presence of a catalyst. The H2S reacts with the SO2 to form sulphur.
As the reaction products are cooled the sulphur drops out of the reaction vessel in a molten state. Sulphur can be stored and shipped in either a molten or solid state.

              The crude oil distillation unit (CDU) is the first processing unit in virtually all petroleum refineries. The CDU distills the incoming crude oil into various fractions of different boiling ranges, each of which are then processed further in the other refinery processing units. The CDU is often referred to as the atmospheric distillation unit because it operates at slightly above atmospheric pressure.
Below is a schematic flow diagram of a typical crude oil distillation unit. The incoming crude oil is preheated by exchanging heat with some of the hot, distilled fractions and other streams. It is then desalted to remove inorganic salts (primarily sodium chloride).
Following the desalter, the crude oil is further heated by exchanging heat with some of the hot, distilled fractions and other streams. It is then heated in a fuel-fired furnace (fired heater) to a temperature of about 398 °C and routed into the bottom of the distillation unit.
The cooling and condensing of the distillation tower overhead is provided partially by exchanging heat with the incoming crude oil and partially by either an air-cooled or water-cooled condenser. Additional heat is removed from the distillation column by a pumparound system as shown in the diagram below.

                            Vacuum distillation is a method of distillation whereby the pressure above the liquid mixture to be distilled is reduced to less than its vapor pressure (usually less than atmospheric pressure) causing evaporation of the most volatile liquid(s) (those with the lowest boiling points). This distillation method works on the principle that boiling occurs when the vapor pressure of a liquid exceeds the ambient pressure. Vacuum distillation is used with or without heating the mixture.
Petroleum crude oil is a complex mixture of hundreds of different hydrocarbon compounds generally having from 3 to 60carbon atoms per molecule, although there may be small amounts of hydrocarbons outside that range. The refining of crude oil begins with distilling the incoming crude oil in a so-called atmospheric distillation column operating at pressures slightly above atmospheric pressure.
In distilling the crude oil, it is important not to subject the crude oil to temperatures above 370 to 380 °C because the high molecular weight components in the crude oil will undergo thermal cracking and form petroleum coke at temperatures above that. Formation of coke would result in plugging the tubes in the furnace that heats the feed stream to the crude oil distillation column. Plugging would also occur in the piping from the furnace to the distillation column as well as in the column itself.
The constraint imposed by limiting the column inlet crude oil to a temperature of more than 370 to 380 °C yields a residual oil from the bottom of the atmospheric distillation column consisting entirely of hydrocarbons that boil above 370 to 380 °C.
To further distill the residual oil from the atmospheric distillation column, the distillation must be performed at absolute pressures as low as 10 to 40 mmHg (also referred to as Torr) so as to limit the operating temperature to less than 370 to 380 °C.
Image 1 is a photograph of a large vacuum distillation column in a petroleum refinery and Image 2 is a process diagram of a petroleum refinery vacuum distillation column that depicts the internals of the column.
The 10 to 40 mmHg absolute pressure in a vacuum distillation column increases the volume of vapor formed per volume of liquid distilled. The result is that such columns have very large diameters.
Distillation columns such those in Images 1 and 2, may have diameters of 15 meters or more, heights ranging up to about 50 meters, and feed rates ranging up to about 25,400 cubic meters per day (160,000 barrels per day).
The vacuum distillation column internals must provide good vapor-liquid contacting while, at the same time, maintaining a very low pressure increase from the top of the column top to the bottom. Therefore, the vacuum column uses distillation trays only where withdrawing products from the side of the column (referred to as side draws). Most of the column uses packing material for the vapor-liquid contacting because such packing has a lower pressure drop than distillation trays. This packing material can be either structured sheet metal or randomly dumped packing such as Raschig rings.
The absolute pressure of 10 to 40 mmHg in the vacuum column is most often achieved by using multiple stages of steam jet ejectors

The hydrocracking process is used to convert waxy distillate and deasphalted oil (DAO) into kerosine and gasoil by breaking down some of their constituents. The process is carried out in two stages, the first to reduce the amount of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen impurities that may Long-chain alkanes of more than twenty carbon atoms each the second stage catalyst, and the second to continue the process of cracking, hydrogenating and isomerising the compounds in the oil. The reactions occurring are denitrogenation, desulfurisation, deoxygenation, hydrogenation, hydrocracking, isomerisation, all of which are exothermic and all of which, except for isomerisation, consume hydrogen. The heat released is absorbed by injecting cold hydrogen quench gas between the catalyst beds. Without the quench the heat released would generate high temperatures and rapid reactions leading to greater heat release and an eventual runaway.


                            Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is the most important conversion process used in petroleum refineries. It is widely used to convert the high-boiling, high-molecular weight hydrocarbon fractions of petroleum crude oils to more valuable gasoline, olefinic gases, and other products. Cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons was originally done by thermal cracking, which has been almost completely replaced by catalytic cracking because it produces more gasoline with a higher octane rating. It also produces byproduct gases that are more olefinic, and hence more valuable, than those produced by thermal cracking.

The feedstock to an FCC is usually that portion of the crude oil that has an initial boiling point of 340 °C or higher at atmospheric pressure and an average molecular weight ranging from about 200 to 600 or higher. This portion of crude oil is often referred to as heavy gas oil. The FCC process vaporizes and breaks the long-chain molecules of the high-boiling hydrocarbon liquids into much shorter molecules by contacting the feedstock, at high temperature and moderate pressure, with a fluidized powdered catalyst.
In effect, refineries use fluid catalytic cracking to correct the imbalance between the market demand for gasoline and the excess of heavy, high boiling range products resulting from the distillation of crude oil.
As of 2006, FCC units were in operation at 400 petroleum refineries worldwide and about one-third of the crude oil refined in those refineries is processed in an FCC to produce high-octane gasoline and fuel oils.  During  2007, the FCC units in the United States processed a total of 5,300,000 barrels (834,300,000 litres) per day of feedstock and FCC units worldwide processed about twice that amount.
The modern FCC units are all continuous processes which operate 24 hours a day for as much as 2 to 3 years between shutdowns for routine maintenance.
There are a number of different proprietary designs that have been developed for modern FCC units. Each design is available under a license that must be purchased from the design developer by any petroleum refining company desiring to construct and operate an FCC of a given design.
Basically, there are two different configurations for an FCC unit: the "stacked" type where the reactor and the catalyst regenerator are contained in a single vessel with the reactor above the catalyst regenerator and the "side-by-side" type where the reactor and catalyst regenerator are in two separate vessels. These are the major FCC designers and licensors:
Side-by-side configuration:
§  CB&I
§  ExxonMobil Research and Engineering (EMRE)
§  Shell Global Solutions International
§  Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (The Shaw Group) / Institut Francais Petrole (IFP)
§  Universal Oil Products (UOP) — currently fully owned subsidiary of Honeywell
Stacked configuration:
§  Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR)
Each of the proprietary design licensors claims to have unique features and advantages. A complete discussion of the relative advantages of each of the processes is well beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that all of the licensors have designed and constructed FCC units that have operated quite satisfactorily.
Reactor and Regenerator
The reactor and regenerator is considered to be the heart of the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit. The schematic flow diagram of a typical modern FCC unit in Figure 1 below is based upon the "side-by-side" configuration. The preheated high-boiling petroleum feedstock (at about 315 to 430 °C) consisting of long-chain hydrocarbon molecules is combined with recycle slurry oil from the bottom of the distillation column and injected into the catalyst riser where it is vaporized and cracked into smaller molecules of vapor by contact and mixing with the very hot powdered catalyst from the regenerator. All of the cracking reactions take place in the catalyst riser within a period of 2-4 seconds. The hydrocarbon vapors "fluidize" the powdered catalyst and the mixture of hydrocarbon vapors and catalyst flows upward to enter the reactor at a temperature of about 535 °C and a pressure of about 1.72barg.
The reactor is in fact merely a vessel in which the cracked product vapors are: (a) separated from the so-called spent catalyst by flowing through a set of two-stage cyclones within the reactor and (b) the spent catalyst flows downward through a steam stripping section to remove any hydrocarbon vapors before the spent catalyst returns to the catalyst regenerator. The flow of spent catalyst to the regenerator is regulated by a slide valve in the spent catalyst line.
Since the cracking reactions produce some carbonaceous material (referred to as coke) that deposits on the catalyst and very quickly reduces the catalyst reactivity, the catalyst is regenerated by burning off the deposited coke with air blown into the regenerator. The regenerator operates at a temperature of about 715 °C and a pressure of about 2.41 barg. The combustion of the coke is exothermic and it produces a large amount of heat that is partially absorbed by the regenerated catalyst and provides the heat required for the vaporization of the feedstock and the endothermic cracking reactions that take place in the catalyst riser. For that reason, FCC units are often referred to as being 'heat balanced'.
The hot catalyst (at about 715 °C) leaving the regenerator flows into a catalyst withdrawal well where any entrained combustion flue gases are allowed to escape and flow back into the upper part to the regenerator. The flow of regenerated catalyst to the feedstock injection point below the catalyst riser is regulated by a slide valve in the regenerated catalyst line. The hot flue gas exits the regenerator after passing through multiple sets of two-stage cyclones that remove entrained catalyst from the flue gas,
The amount of catalyst circulating between the regenerator and the reactor amounts to about 5 kg per kg of feedstock, which is equivalent to about 4.66 kg per litre of feedstock. Thus, an FCC unit processing 75,000 barrels per day (11,900 m3/d) will circulate about 55,900 metric tons per day of catalyst.

Modern FCC catalysts are fine powders with a bulk density of 0.80 to 0.96 g/cc and having a particle size distribution ranging from 10 to 150 μm and an average particle size of 60 to 100 μm. The design and operation of an FCC unit is largely dependent upon the chemical and physical properties of the catalyst. The desirable properties of an FCC catalyst are:
§  Good stability to high temperature and to steam
§  High activity
§  Large pore sizes
§  Good resistance to attrition
§  Low coke production

Regenerator flue gas

Depending on the choice of FCC design, the combustion in the regenerator of the coke on the spent catalyst may or may not be complete combustion to carbon dioxide CO2. The combustion air flow is controlled so as to provide the desired ratio of carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide for each specific FCC design.
In the design shown in Figure 1, the coke has only been partially combusted to CO2. The combustion flue gas (containing CO and CO2) at 715 °C and at a pressure of 2.41 barg is routed through a secondary catalyst separator containing swirl tubes designed to remove 70 to 90 percent of the particulates in the flue gas leaving the regenerator. This is required to prevent erosion damage to the blades in the turbo-expander that the flue gas is next routed through.
The expansion of flue gas through a turbo-expander provides sufficient power to drive the regenerator's combustion air compressor. The electrical motor-generator can consume or produce electrical power. If the expansion of the flue gas does not provide enough power to drive the air compressor, the electric motor/generator provides the needed additional power. If the flue gas expansion provides more power than needed to drive the air compressor, than the electric motor/generator converts the excess power into electric power and exports it to the refinery's electrical system.
The expanded flue gas is then routed through a steam-generating boiler (referred to as a CO boiler) where the carbon monoxide in the flue gas is burned as fuel to provide steam for use in the refinery as well as to comply with any applicable environmental regulatory limits on carbon monoxide emissions.
The flue gas is finally processed through an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) to remove residual particulate matter to comply with any applicable environmental regulations regarding particulate emissions. The ESP removes particulates in the size range of 2 to 20 microns from the flue gas.
The steam turbine in the flue gas processing system (shown in the above diagram) is used to drive the regenerator's combustion air compressor during start-ups of the FCC unit until there is sufficient combustion flue gas to take over that task.

                       Emission standards are requirements that set specific limits to the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment. Many emissions standards focus on regulating pollutants released by automobiles (motor cars) and other powered vehicles but they can also regulate emissions from industry, power plants, small equipment such as lawn mowers and diesel generators. Frequent policy alternatives to emissions standards are technology standards (which mandate Standards generally regulate the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides, particulate matter (PM) or soot, carbon monoxide (CO), or volatile hydrocarbons (see carbon dioxide equivalent).

The first Indian emission regulations were idle emission limits which became effective in 1989. These idle emission regulations were soon replaced by mass emission limits for both petrol (1991) and diesel (1992) vehicles, which were gradually tightened during the 1990s. Since the year 2000, India started adopting European emission and fuel regulations for four-wheeled light-duty and for heavy-dc. Indian own emission regulations still apply to two- and three-wheeled vehicles.

Current requirement is that all transport vehicles carry a fitness certificate that is renewed each year after the first two years of new vehicle registration.

On October 6, 2003, the National Auto Fuel Policy has been announced, which envisages a phased program for introducing Euro 2 - 4 emission and fuel regulations by 2010. The implementation schedule of EU emission standards in India is summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Indian Emission Standards (4-Wheel Vehicles)
India 2000
Euro 1
Bharat Stage II
Euro 2
NCR*, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai
NCR*, 12 Cities†
Bharat Stage III
Euro 3
NCR*, 12 Cities†
Bharat Stage IV
Euro 4
NCR*, 12 Cities†
* National Capital Region (Delhi)
† Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Lucknow, Sholapur, and Agra

The above standards apply to all new 4-wheel vehicles sold and registered in the respective regions. In addition, the National Auto Fuel Policy introduces certain emission requirements for interstate buses with routes originating or terminating in Delhi or the other 10 cities.

For 2-and 3-wheelers, Bharat Stage II (Euro 2) will be applicable from April 1, 2005 and Stage III (Euro 3) standards would come in force preferably from April 1, 2008, but not later than April 1, 2010.

Refiners have several options to fulfill higher industrial gas needs. Of course, gas production plants can be bought from competent suppliers. That necessarily means that the complete investment shows up in the balance sheet of the refinery. In addition, operation and maintenance costs have to be borne by the refinery.

All this is conventional procedure with advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage certainly is that refiners are not specialized in gas plant operation. Therefore reliability of the plants tends to be lower than optimum and the cost higher. But there is an alternative which gains more and more friends among the refining community: "on site supply."

The basic idea behind on site supply is that a gas company builds, owns, and operates the gas production plant for the refinery and the refiner receives the gas as a utility so that it can concentrate on its core business, making fuel.